Monday, February 14, 2011

Hallmark Holiday… So What?

My last blog post was slightly dismal… and although there are very real reasons I was sad and gloomy, perhaps it’s time for a more light and fluffy post…and what day is more perfect for light and fluffy, than Valentines Day?

Ok, sure. Valentines Day is by far the most Hallmark holiday in existence. And yes, you should be sweet and nice to your significant other all year long. But really, is there any harm in celebrating the person you love just a little extra, one day a year? Personally, I don’t want to go out to dinner tonight and I don’t need an expensive gift, but you won’t hear me complaining about being pampered a little extra today!

To be honest, I have my own theory about Valentines Day. Did you ever notice that Valentines Day falls right in between Christmas holidays, and spring? Maybe Valentines Day is a Hallmark holiday, but if you ask me, Hallmark hit the nail on the head when they strategically plotted Valentines Day right in the middle of dreary winter season. It’s always this time of year when I find myself really starting to get ‘seasonal depression’. Now I haven’t actually been diagnosed with any problem, but all I know is come February, all I want to do is sleep. In fact, I’m not really even interested in venturing out of the house…I don’t even feel like wedding planning (& now is a bad time to get the wedding-planning blues!!)

But here I am today, in a great mood and it’s the middle of February. Maybe it’s because it was unseasonably “warm” this weekend or b/c I got a ridiculous amount of sleep on Friday and Saturday nights. But really, I think I owe a special thank you to Hallmark, for making me in a great mood on this Valentines Day, which just happens to fall on a cold Monday this year.